

Hi, I’m Kaede Akino (Japanese: 秋野 かえで), an undergraduate student majoring in Data Science. I’m interested in Computer Networking, Data Science, and DevOps. I’m also a fan of Japanese anime and manga.

Previously, I was involved in Anti-Censorship and contributed to projects like V2Fly.

I’ve been programming since my teenage years, specializing in server-side software development. I’m proficient in languages like Go, Java, and Rust, and I’m also familiar with Python and PHP.



You can contact me via email at:


You can encrypt your email to me with my PGP key and verify my signature.

Your donation will help me continue to contribute to free software communities.

Github Sponsors is recommended because it does not charge any extra fees.

Patreon supports payments via PayPal, which is not supported by Github Sponsors.

Cryptocurrencies are the preferred method of donation due to their anonymity and security.

Blockchain Addresses

My ENS domain is akinokaede.eth, so you can send me cryptocurrency to akinokaede.eth instead of the long address.

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Theme Stack designed by Jimmy