New Blog: All Things New

I had planned to build a new blog a few years ago. However, due to my busy schedule with studies and work, I didn’t have the time to do it. But now, it’s finally here!

New Framework: Hugo

Previously, I had been using Hexo for my blog since 2018. However, I have now switched to Hugo for several reasons:

  • Hugo is written in Go, a language I am proficient in.
  • Hugo is significantly faster than Hexo.
  • Unlike Hexo plugins, Hugo modules can also install themes. It’s more flexible.

New Theme: Hugo Theme Stack

Previously, I had been using hexo-theme-material for Hexo. However, due to its lack of maintenance and some bugs, I had to find a new theme. After careful consideration, I chose hugo-theme-stack. The card-style design is also used on my personal homepage.

New Language: English

Previously, I had been writing my blog in Chinese. However, I wanted my articles to be understood by a wider audience, so I have decided to write in English. Writing in English will also help me improve my language skills.

Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Built with Hugo
Theme Stack designed by Jimmy